Currently viewing Chicago 2016.
Chicago 2016 Challenges:
Chicago 2016 Solutions:
We challenge you to expand the market of fresh, nutritious and affordable foods through mobile markets, farmer’s markets, school markets or corner stores in underprivileged areas. You are the bridge between farms and neighborhoods that will empower and enhance communities.
I challenge you to re-imagine urban spaces so that kids living in underprivileged neighborhoods have equal opportunities to be creative, play and become the social inventors for their communities.
I challenge you to design the new 21st century library experience to illustrate the power of people and information while inspiring and engaging your peers.
I challenge you to illuminate the unknown in your community, whether that’s within the natural world or built environment, by creating a citizen science project and sharing your discoveries with the world.
By bringing together unlikely allies, I challenge you to unleash peace to counter the culture of violence present in your community