Christian Smutherman joined CityBridge in 2015 as a member of CityBridge’s first Fellowship class. As a fellow, Smutherman has worked with CityBridge’s Stewardship and Engagement practice and Education Innovation Portfolio to advance CityBridge’s mission of creating transformational schools and building a pipeline of talented educators committed to school redesign. He is passionate about combating poverty and serving low-income communities through the vehicles of education and investment. Smutherman began his career teaching second grade at the Christina Seix Academy (CSA) in Trenton, NJ. Inspired by CSA’s mission driven model and vision to serve children from single-parent households, he played a key role in the creation of the second grade science and writing curricula and coached basketball, fencing, tennis, and soccer. Smutherman has a B.A. in English from Princeton University and is an avid and active mentor in his local community, a passion he has cultivated since youth.
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